Friday, September 29, 2006

DragonForce Concert

Welp the concert was a success. The two opening bands sucked some serious nuts but we didn't expect anything less. DragonForce rocked our faces off and that's all we cared about. Although the real show was the people who attended. Fat ugly bitches with short hair, to spare. All of them with at least 2 or 3 inches of flab hanging off their disgusting fat smelly selves. Hey, as long as you're ugly, why not be fat too. Then of course we saw a transvestite, it wouldn't be power metal without at least one transvestite I guess. Naturally some prick with a 7ft tall mohawk showed up. I can only hope that someone karate kicked him directly into a coma.

We walked around "Woosta" for nearly 2 hours. I could not have possibly felt more uncomfortable unless I were to staple some sort of billboard directly over my heart with a gigantic bullseye and some large text in a bright font that said "I hate niggers". Not to mention that Ben and I can't resist the urge to talk in spanish even when it's inappropriate (i.e. at a convention for angry violent mexicans).

Surprisingly enough we made it home alive.

Also I thought I'd mention I witnessed a car accident today (9/29). The cars missed mine by maybe a foot or two. I think the lady died but I didn't help her. Hopefully it wasn't the impact that killed her but rather by choking on her cellphone. I could have sworn I heard her utter something about a sale at Macy's right before she died. Naturally she was at fault for the accident and the guy was simply unamused and dissapointed that it's still legal for women to drive.

In other news we've got a long weekend, and I don't plan on remembering any of it.

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