Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Be A Boss At Prehistoric Photoshop

Let's be brief: my new embedded video fucks up my layout, covering up my own hotlinks. I need to post some shitty shit, as soon as shit!

Shitty Post #1: How to be a Prehistoric Photoshop Boss. Compliments of me wrecking my sophomore digital art class (probably more to come...I wrecked it pretty fucking hard).

Here's a very vague step-by-step. So fucking vague you'll say: "What the fuck is the point of this?". Vague as shit.

Step 1: Find a picture of the biggest ass-ruining badass of all time.


Step 2: Find a somewhat accurate picture of the bone structure of said badass creature:


Step 3: Illegally download Photoshop. Install it. Be a badass at Photoshop. Use layer masks. Be creative.


One student received an A for this project (project: create an art piece using personal skills) by creating a picture made out of macaroni, much like I might have in second grade.

I received a C for this project in my digital art class. Fuck digital art professors who work at CCRI... I am better.

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