Thursday, December 30, 2010

Awesome Lesson #3: 3-D

Guns. Are. Awesome.

I. Taught. Myself. 3-D Design. To. Model. Guns.

I. Am. Bad. At. Texturing.

The. Texture. You. See. Is. A. JPEG. UV-MAPPED. Onto. My. Hi-Poly. Model.

Blog spam ended for now! (Clicking on the photo might be necessary for full res.)


Photoshop Lesson #2

I'm cranking out shitty blog updates like it's my job. If my job we're making shitty blog updates... well, let's just say that they are newer than the updates made slightly before them. Get on my level.

Here's another post courtesy of my bullshit Digital Art class! The project was to create the shittiest mythological scene possible. I failed to the largest extent I could manage. Therefore, I'm the business.

Here's another tutorial for badkins:

Step 1: Find a sweet mythological creature.


Step 2: Find another sweet mythological creature to keep him company.


Step 3: Merge them into a scene and add a personal touch. Wait, was that awesome three-dimensional gryphon stone there before? Idk whatever.


How To Be A Boss At Prehistoric Photoshop

Let's be brief: my new embedded video fucks up my layout, covering up my own hotlinks. I need to post some shitty shit, as soon as shit!

Shitty Post #1: How to be a Prehistoric Photoshop Boss. Compliments of me wrecking my sophomore digital art class (probably more to come...I wrecked it pretty fucking hard).

Here's a very vague step-by-step. So fucking vague you'll say: "What the fuck is the point of this?". Vague as shit.

Step 1: Find a picture of the biggest ass-ruining badass of all time.


Step 2: Find a somewhat accurate picture of the bone structure of said badass creature:


Step 3: Illegally download Photoshop. Install it. Be a badass at Photoshop. Use layer masks. Be creative.


One student received an A for this project (project: create an art piece using personal skills) by creating a picture made out of macaroni, much like I might have in second grade.

I received a C for this project in my digital art class. Fuck digital art professors who work at CCRI... I am better.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Skydiving Event: The Video!

My first attempt at embedding a video. To be precise, my first attempt at embedding my own youtube video. To be more precise, my first attempt at embedding my first youtube video that I uploaded for the first time firstly upon the first day of first first first first first fir...

Also, I have a new post right below this, don't miss it, it's new!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Newest Occupation

To be honest I'm quite intoxicated at the moment. Spelling errors will be fixed when I am capable.

So, 2+ years after Mobil On The Run got straight up CANNED by myself, I finally got another mother fucking job. Two years of legitimate effort mind you.

I asked many friends for a lead in what is and was one of the worst job markets in my lifetime. Several tried, one succeeded. Many calls and worthless interviews later I landed a job due to the epic work of Brian D.

Several months beforehand I had a personally unprecedented traumatic event which mega-fucked my brain, causing me to feel deep sickness in any situation relevant to that day and event. For example, it was over four months before my stomach could handle visiting even just one friend of mine without becoming very ill.

Onto the job. I scored a job working in an environmental laboratory. We specialize in the testing and analyzation of soils and water samples. For example, if you wanted to build a playground, you'd send us soil samples to ensure that area was more life supporting than something like, I don't know, Chernobyl.

I can definitely understand that logic. However... Every day we get samples that are clearly marked: "URGENT". MOTHER-FUCKING URGENT!!!1!11!

These samples must be analyzed immediately and results must be sent back the same day. I perform these such tests, and I specialize in pH and moisture values of these such samples. Which leads me to one very real question...


Literally, what situation calls for this type of haste? Our largest client is the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). Are they planting the worlds largest fucking government garden or some shit?

Think of even the largest scale farm-based agency/company (whoever the fuck that might be). This company is expected to provide a shitload of food for an entire community. Try telling your town that no one can eat jack shit because some assholes are figuring out how much moisture is in the fucking dirt.


SO maybe it turns out that the moisture in the dirt is satisfactory (something we tell them based on age-old data). Thank god right? NO!

Who gives a fuck about soil moisture! We still have to run pH tests! No, this isn't your god damn outdoor pool, IT'S LIFE

Now our samples aren't from tap water or something relevant that you could make sense of. They're from dirty swamps and shit. Seemingly destroying all credibility these pH tests had.

My point in summary: What is it that you need to know so fucking quickly about a random swamp's pH level could really be that urgent!?

Not to mention our company can be fined up to and over 15 thousand dollars for as little as an illegible reading in a logbook.

Maybe one day I'll become an EPA pool technician, and I'll permanently spike the pH levels to burn the eyes of EPA employees in their own government pool.

Just maybe.