Once in the car we promptly began throwing peanuts at each other. Once we ruined all the peanuts, we turned to our imaginations for fun. My brother picked up an ice scraper in the back seat and started pretending to shoot me with it (childish gun noises included). We then turned the weapon on the general public.

Laughing hysterically, yelling at people and pretend-shooting them with a 12 gauge pump action ice scraper, we were having a ball. The highlight of our imaginary rampage being a lone fat man to which my brother yelled "HEY", *the man looks over and my brother cocks the ice scraper*, "BAM!".
A minute away from home, you guessed it (or did you?), cops. As it turns out, six people called the police saying that we were shooting a BB gun at people. Six people. The Coventry Police Force had four units looking for a green Grand Am with a highly dangerous armed male suspect. The cop was a real douche about it, but you just can't make someone feel like a criminal for capping people with imaginary bullets.
The cop went on and on about how unfunny it was as my brother and I struggled not to burst out laughing. This has been a True Coventry Story.