Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Insane Anti-Weed Commercials

So a little late in response to my anti-alcohol commercial criticism, but still justified I believe, comes part two. This section deals specifically with the inaccuracies of the anti-weed propaganda commercials seen daily on various channels on TV.

A particular commercial comes to mind:

The scene is set in a public park, a boy and (potentially) his girlfriend are sitting on a bench. Sound like fun? You bet. Well Jimmy Obvious decides it's a good time to whip out his weed and smoke a blunt. His boring ass girlfriend refuses to take part in the smoking of the blunt, which is understandable at this point. However a few seconds later the developers throw a curve ball at you in the form of a hideous alien from another planet who decides his cocky ass is going to land his space ship wherever the fuck he wants. The pizza-headed martian lands his space ship in the middle of this park apparently looking for some boontskeet from a completely different species.
The boy, Jimmy, is completely unmoved by the hideous creature. Naturally(?) his first course of action is to offer the strange being a hit off his blunt. The little patsy throws his head away in a total 180 degree display of faggotism. When the girlfriend lays eyes on the completely irrelevant and far-fetched incident, she magically falls in love.


The moral of the story being that smoking weed will instantly and indefinitely make your loved ones hate/leave you is a completely biased and unsupported assumption made by a staff of poorly educated propaganda artists with absolutely no street credibility whatsoever. If any of you are like me, if I was stoned and a little alien landed in a shoddy little spacecraft I would probably beat his ass and steal it or be completely paralyzed in shock by the event itself. The last thing I'd be concerned about is my whore girlfriend getting probed and raped by aliens from some distant planet.

Remember kids, if you smoke weed, you get to see aliens n' shit! WWEeeeeeeEEeEeEEeeee

This is fucking stupid.